Additional Information

At Positive Energy, we believe that an educated consumer is a key component in a business relationship. We have included in this page links to sources of information that will help you understand the Natural Gas market and its trends. If you have a source of information that you would like to see posted in our pages, please send us an email with your suggestions.

Positive Energy, the most competitive natural gas quote, wants to offer you the opportunity to reduce your operating costs and offer you the best natural gas price!

natural gasIf you're interested in watching the current and historical price of the Natural Gas index, click on this link:

If you're interested in finding about the benefits about Natural gas, click on this link:

If you are interested in looking at the weekly Natural Gas government report, click on this link:

Positive Energy, the most competitive natural gas quote, wants to offer you the opportunity to reduce your operating costs and offer you the best natural gas price!  We look forward to serve you!

Tel: 305.494.1402
Fax: 888.211.9310


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